The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth (Annotated)

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The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth (Annotated) Details

SUFFOLK.As by your high imperial MajestyI had in charge at my depart for France,As procurator to your excellence,To marry Princess Margaret for your grace,So, in the famous ancient city Tours,In presence of the Kings of France and Sicil,The Dukes of Orleans, Calaber, Bretagne, and Alencon,Seven earls, twelve barons, and twenty reverend bishops,I have perform'd my task and was espous'd,And humbly now upon my bended knee,In sight of England and her lordly peers,Deliver up my title in the queenTo your most gracious hands, that are the substanceOf that great shadow I did represent:The happiest gift that ever marquess gave,The fairest queen that ever king receiv'd.KING.Suffolk, arise.—Welcome, Queen Margaret.I can express no kinder sign of loveThan this kind kiss.—O Lord, that lends me life,Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness!For thou hast given me in this beauteous faceA world of earthly blessings to my soul,If sympathy of love unite our thoughts.QUEEN.Great King of England and my gracious lord,The mutual conference that my mind hath had,By day, by night, waking and in my dreams,In courtly company or at my beads,With you, mine alder-liefest sovereign,Makes me the bolder to salute my kingWith ruder terms, such as my wit affordsAnd over-joy of heart doth minister.This edition includes:- A complete biography of William Shakespeare- Table of contents with directs links to chapters.


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