The Tragedie OF Troylus and Cressida

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Literature & Fiction

The Tragedie OF Troylus and Cressida Details

Excerpt:In Troy there lyes the Scene: From Iles of GreeceThe Princes Orgillous, their high blood chaf'dHaue to the Port of Athens sent their shippesFraught with the ministers and instrumentsOf cruell Warre: Sixty and nine that woreTheir Crownets Regall, from th' Athenian bayPut forth toward Phrygia, and their vow is madeTo ransacke Troy, within whose strong emuresThe rauish'd Helen, Menelaus Queene,With wanton Paris sleepes, and that's the Quarrell.To Tenedos they come,And the deepe-drawing Barke do there disgorgeTheir warlike frautage: now on Dardan PlainesThe fresh and yet vnbruised Greekes do pitchTheir braue Pauillions. Priams six-gated City,


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