Shakespeare's Cats: The Complete Sonnets for the Literary Cat-Lover

Category: Books,Literature & Fiction,Poetry

Shakespeare's Cats: The Complete Sonnets for the Literary Cat-Lover Details

Join a band of curious cats for an adorable reading of William Shakespeare's 154 sonnets. Whether it's friendship, beauty, love or something more saucy, the Bard of Avon has a sonnet for every occasion. Learn what the sonnets mean and read fun facts about the poet, witches, Elizabethan life, and the unfortunate hygiene habits of the 16th century. Despite being written 400 years ago, the sonnets speak to the eternal ups-and-downs of anyone in love and the struggle to fight our mortality with art. And, many centuries later, we have something else in common with Elizabethans: we find kittens to be utterly adorable.* *Well, they also thought they might be tiny, adorable witches in animal form.


William Shakespeare was widely recognised as the greatest writer in the English Language and the Worlds pre-eminent dramatist. It is not surprising that a writer with such a keen knowledge of human behaviour and the beauty of language would also appreciate the poetic qualities of the feline. In fact, Shakespeare mentions the cats at least forty-four times during his plays, often using the qualities of the cat to illuminate the chacaters or actions of the people in the play.This book is a fantastic collection of Shakespeares Poems (Sonnets) but what is so fascinating about the collection is that each Sonnet is followed by an interpretation of its meaning as well as a fact, making this the perfect guide for a Shakespeare enthusiastic, a student of Shakespeare or even just someone with an interest in poems and their meanings as written by the greatest.In my view, a great addition to anyone's bookshelf.

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